Storing Data

DBFlow provide a few mechanisms by which we store data to the database. The difference of options should not provide confusion but rather allow flexibility in what you decide is the best way to store information.

Synchronous Storage

While generally saving data synchronous should be avoided, for small amounts of data it has little effect.




model.insert(); // inserts
model.update(); // updates; // checks if exists, if true update, else insert.

Code (without running in a transaction) like this should be avoided:

for (int i = 0; i < models.size(), i++) {

Doing operations on the main thread can block it if you read and write to the DB on a different thread while accessing DB on the main.

Synchronous Transactions

A simple database transaction can be wrapped in a call:

FlowManager.getDatabase(AppDatabase.class).executeTransaction(new ITransaction() {
            public void execute(DatabaseWrapper databaseWrapper) {
                // something here
                Player player = new Player("Andrew", "Grosner");
      ; // use wrapper (from BaseModel)

Even though DBFlow is ridiculously fast, this should be put on a separate thread outside of the UI, so that your UI remains responsive on all devices.

Instead we should move onto Transaction (the preferred method).

Async Transactions


Transactions are ACID in SQLite, meaning they either occur completely or not at all. Using transactions significantly speed up the time it takes to store. So recommendation you should use transactions whenever you can.

Async is the preferred method. Transactions, using the DefaultTransactionManager, occur on one thread per-database (to prevent flooding from other DB in your app) and receive callbacks on the UI. You can override this behavior and roll your own or hook into an existing system, read here.

Also to use the legacy, priority-based system, read here.

A basic transaction:

DatabaseDefinition database = FlowManager.getDatabase(AppDatabase.class);
Transaction transaction = database.beginTransactionAsync(new ITransaction() {
            public void execute(DatabaseWrapper databaseWrapper) {
transaction.execute(); // execute

 // attempt to cancel before its run. If it's already ran, this call has no effect.

Transaction have callbacks to allow you to "listen" for success and errors.

    .success(new Transaction.Success() {
       public void onSuccess(Transaction transaction) {
          // called post-execution on the UI thread.
   .error(new Transaction.Error() {
       public void onError(Transaction transaction, Throwable error) {
          // call if any errors occur in the transaction.

The Success callback runs post-transaction on the UI thread. The Error callback is called on the UI thread if and only if it is specified and an exception occurs, otherwise it is thrown in the Transaction as a RuntimeException. Note: all exceptions are caught when specifying the callback. Ensure you handle all errors, otherwise you might miss some problems.


ProcessModelTransaction allows for more flexibility and for you to easily operate on a set of Model in a Transaction easily. It holds a list of Model by which you provide the modification method in the Builder. You can listen for when each are processed inside a normal Transaction.

It is a convenient way to operate on them:

ProcessModelTransaction<TestModel1> processModelTransaction =
        new ProcessModelTransaction.Builder<>(new ProcessModelTransaction.ProcessModel<TestModel1>() {
            public void processModel(TestModel1 model) {
                // call some operation on model here
                model.insert(); // or
                model.delete(); // or
        }).processListener(new ProcessModelTransaction.OnModelProcessListener<TestModel1>() {
            public void onModelProcessed(long current, long total, TestModel1 modifiedModel) {
Transaction transaction = database.beginTransactionAsync(processModelTransaction).build();

In Kotlin (with dbflow-kotlinextensions), we can drastically simplify:

items.processInTransactionAsync({ it, databaseWrapper -> it.delete(databaseWrapper) },
    ProcessModelTransaction.OnModelProcessListener { current, size, model ->

You can listen to when operations complete for each model via the OnModelProcessListener. These callbacks occur on the UI thread. If you wish to run them on same thread (great for tests), set runProcessListenerOnSameThread() to true.


The FastStoreModelTransaction is the quickest, lightest way to store a List of Model into the database through a Transaction. It comes with some restrictions when compared to ProcessModelTransaction:

  1. All Model must be from same Table/Model Class.
  2. No progress listening
  3. Can only save, insert, or update the whole list entirely.


    // updateBuilder + saveBuilder also available.

What it provides:

  1. Reuses ContentValues, DatabaseStatement, and other classes where possible.
  2. Opens and closes own DatabaseStatement per total execution.
  3. Significant speed bump over ProcessModelTransaction at the expense of flexibility.

Custom TransactionManager

If you prefer to roll your own thread-management system or have an existing system you can override the default system included.

To begin you must implement a ITransactionQueue:

public class CustomQueue implements ITransactionQueue {

    public void add(Transaction transaction) {


    public void cancel(Transaction transaction) {


    public void startIfNotAlive() {


    public void cancel(String name) {


    public void quit() {


You must provide ways to add(), cancel(Transaction), and startIfNotAlive(). The other two methods are optional, but recommended.

startIfNotAlive() in the DefaultTransactionQueue will start itself (since it's a thread).

Next you can override the BaseTransactionManager (not required, see later):

public class CustomTransactionManager extends BaseTransactionManager {

   public CustomTransactionManager(DatabaseDefinition databaseDefinition) {
       super(new CustomTransactionQueue(), databaseDefinition);


To register it with DBFlow, in your FlowConfig, you must:

    .addDatabaseConfig(new DatabaseConfig.Builder(AppDatabase.class)
       .transactionManagerCreator(new DatabaseConfig.TransactionManagerCreator() {
                        public BaseTransactionManager createManager(DatabaseDefinition databaseDefinition) {
                          // this will be called once database modules are loaded and created.
                            return new CustomTransactionManager(databaseDefinition);

                            // or you can:
                            //return new DefaultTransactionManager(new CustomTransactionQueue(), databaseDefinition);

Priority Queue

In versions pre-3.0, DBFlow utilized a PriorityBlockingQueue to manage the asynchronous dispatch of Transaction. As of 3.0, it has switched to simply a FIFO queue. To keep the legacy way, a PriorityTransactionQueue was created.

As seen in Custom Transaction Managers, we provide a custom instance of the DefaultTransactionManager with the PriorityTransactionQueue specified:

    .addDatabaseConfig(new DatabaseConfig.Builder(AppDatabase.class)
       .transactionManagerCreator(new DatabaseConfig.TransactionManagerCreator() {
                        public BaseTransactionManager createManager(DatabaseDefinition databaseDefinition) {
                          // this will be called once database modules are loaded and created.
                            return new DefaultTransactionManager(
                              new PriorityTransactionQueue("DBFlow Priority Queue"),

What this does is for the specified database (in this case AppDatabase), now require each ITransaction specified for the database should wrap itself around the PriorityTransactionWrapper. Otherwise an the PriorityTransactionQueue wraps the existing Transaction in a PriorityTransactionWrapper with normal priority.

To specify a priority:

    .beginTransactionAsync(new PriorityTransactionWrapper.Builder(myTransaction)

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